Pyramid of Isis Reiki is associated with Egypt and incorporates ancient and new Reiki healing power with the addition of working with pyramids. Pyramid of Isis Reiki is a combination of the Egyptian attunements of Isis Moon, Sekham Seichem, Golden Ankh, Ra Sheeba (Golden Snake), Pyramid Gaza, Sacred Geometry and Golden Triangle Reiki.
Goddess Isis is one of the Goddesses of Light who are guardians of the Light Ray. Isis works with the other Goddesses of Light, Amerissis, Theia, Artemis and Athena. The Light Goddesses empower female energy in male and female lightworkers.
Goddess Isis was worshipped in ancient times and modern day Wiccan as the mother Goddess, also as the patroness of nature and magic. Isis is also known as the protector of the dead and Goddess of children. Some people refer to Goddess Isis as the protector of Love. Her name Isis means 'throne', her headress was a throne and as such, she represented the Pharaoh's power.
The other Reiki energies which collectively create the Pyramid of Isis Master Reiki are:
ISIS MOON: Working with Goddess Isis and the magnetic energy field of the moon. Harmonising female and male energy.
SEKHAM SEICHEM MASTER: Ancient Egyptian healing energy using similar symbols to traditional Dr. Usui Japanese Reiki.
GOLDEN ANKH: Ancient Egyptian healing energy helping healers meditate to a higher level using the Ankh energy to open spiritual portals.
GOLDEN TRIANGLE: Modern Reiki energy combining the Golden Ray energy with the geometric healing of triangles to shield and dissolve negative energy.
RA SHEEBA: A long forgotten Egyptian energy which was re-awakened in the 1980s to help healers open up healing vortexes throughout the world. Works directly on the chakras to lift out impurities using vortex movement. Helps healers with kundalini activation in the spine.
Attunement to Pyramid of Isis will activate geometric etheric energy within your aura. The energy will be intensified after your attunement to use your palm chakra healing for creating powerful etheric grids. These grids can be used to give additional power to your healing session as well as using the grid to create shields which protect against negative forces. Archangel Metatron creates etheric energy grids and now you too will have the ability to do the same.
Metatron instructs Goddess of Isis healers in their dreams on how to use the natural flow of the physical body using geometric shapes. One of these shapes is the triangle. The energy is channelled similar to crystal energy using laser waves pushing and pulling. Isis Reiki incorporates the Reiki with the natural flow of the meridian lines throughout the body to penetrate deeper on a cellular level.
Pyramid of Isis includes a joining of our energy to the Egyptian snake energy that has been worshipped in ancient Egypt by the Pharaohs. The Egyptian Priests and Priestesses invoked snake energy to give protection to sacred tombs, temples and themselves. Modern day healers often use the 'She' cobra to clear spaces with her ability to get dark creatures and take them to the White Light. She is a beautiful being who uses her ability to swallow dark matter and travel along vortexes to and from the White Light.
Reiki snake energy is a form of healing which focuses its frequency into healing energy vortex. It is very powerful, using sacred knowledge of the Egyptians, Atlanteans, Lemurians and the realms of the Dragons using vortexes. Snake energy healing is similar to spiral vortex energy of the Unicorns. The Snake Reiki works by lifting negativity out of the body upwards out of the chakras or along etheric cords and not through the chakras to the feet or head.
Isis Reiki also uses crystals, orgonites and copper for healing, as in ancient Egypt.
Symbols include: Triangle; the Uzu Symbol; Ahara; Isis; Akru; Tet; Infinity; Zara; Eeef T Chay; High-Low God; Connection Path; Seal of Isis and Sankak kei Symbol.
After your attunement, you will have the power to invoke the pyramid grid energy not just for healing but for creating a safe environment within your home and work.
Goddess Isis is a loving, wise and powerful ally to help you combat anything that makes you or others unhappy. Use her energy to connect you to the Golden Pyramid energy so you increase your psychic gifts in healing, protection and inner wisdom. On this course you will have been given the gift of Pyramid of Isis Reiki using Orgone energy and the powerful brass pyramid, possibly the strongest and most powerful healing to date.
At Sacred Space Newbridge Co Kildare with @eileenmccourt1
2nd December Pyramid of Isis Reiki. Must be already Reiki 1 and 2 qualified.
1st December - private individual healing sessions. Further details and bookings - Mary, 0879543223